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No New Posts LEVEL ONE

Minister for Magic and Support Staff - The first floor is the home to the offices of the highest people in wizarding England and Ireland. The Minister of Magic's office is situated on this floor as is the Minster's adviser and other high members of staff.

Areas: Office of the Minister for Magic, Office of the Adviser to Minister, Office of the Senior Undersecretary, Office of the Junior Assistant.

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No New Posts LEVEL TWO

Department of Magical Law Enforcement - This department is the largest department in the ministry that has been recorded. It is unknown how big the department of mysteries is. The floor is home to many different offices involving involvement with the magical and muggle world.

Areas: Auror Office, Department of Intoxicating Substances, Improper Use of Magic Office, Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office, Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects, Wizengamot Administration Services.

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Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes - The floor is home to the offices of those who fix accidents in the muggle and magical world. They are high classed wizards who have to reverse accidents and catastrophes as quick as they can before anything is noticed.

Areas: Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, Obliviator Headquarters, Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee, Invisibility Task Force, Muggle Liaison Office.

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Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures - This department is the second largest floor in the ministry that has been recorded. It has plenty of different sections to control, tame and study different magical species.

Areas: Beast Division, Being Division, Spirit Division, Goblin Liaison Office, Centaur Liaison Office, Pest Advisory Board, Office of Misinformation.

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Department of International Magical Cooperation - This department is an important department in the ministry. It is involved with other ministries over the world and sometimes has members from other ministries situated there.

Areas: International Magical Trading Standards Body, International Magical Office of Law, International Confederation of Wizards, British Seats.

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No New Posts LEVEL SIX

Department of Magical Transportation - As their name implies, the people who work on this floor are responsible for all sorts of magical transportation.

Areas: Floo Network Authority, Broom Regulatory Control, Portkey Office, Apparation Test Centre

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Department of Magical Games and Sports - This is, perhaps, the most relaxed and easygoing department of them all, illustrated by the Quidditch team posters plastering the walls.

Areas: British and Irish Quidditch League Headquarters, Official Gobstones Club, Ludicrous Patents Office

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The Atrium - This is where visitors are welcomed into the building. The Fountain of Magical Brethren stands in the center of this spacious area, portraying the (primarily ideological) unity of the many races.

Areas: Lobby and Reception Area, Security Desk, Lifts, Magical Maintenance Office

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Department of Mysteries - Only wizards and witches who work in this department can legally enter this area. It's very secretive and deals with information that the Ministry decides the general public shouldn't know about.

Areas: Hall of Prophecies, The Death Chamber, The Thought Chamber, The Time Chamber, The Space Chamber, The Ever-Locked Room

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No New Posts LEVEL TEN

Wizengamot Courtrooms - This room, only accessible from the stairs, is where most trials take place. There are about fifty seats positioned around a lowered, central floor (where the accused sits). Unless you're a part of the Wizengamot, you really don't want to find yourself here.

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The Ministry Of Magic

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The Ministry Of Magic
The Ministry is the epi-centre of the magic in England and Ireland. There are many different ways of entering the Ministry such as the floo network, a telephone booth. There is even secret entrances for different members. The Ministry consists of ten floors - each floor holding different sections of the Ministry. Don't get lost.
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