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No New Posts Art Classroom

The classroom is rather small in size compared to the others. It isn't used as much as other classrooms is since the subject is associated with muggles. In the classroom there is a few easels set up. The walls are decorated with art by different artists, some even by past students. Near the back is the teachers desk that has plenty of art supplies on it.

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No New Posts Prefects' Bathroom

This bathroom was made for the Prefects, Head Girls, Head Boys and Captains of the Quidditch teams. To enter you must give the password to the statue of Boris the Bewildered. Inside the interior is elegant and fancy. One one side of the room there is a row of stalls with toilets inside. Opposite the toilets there is a large, swimming pool-like tub with bath taps surrounding it. The taps run bubbles and foam and different coloured water - blue, red, green, yellow - any colour you can think of! One would think that it would take a long time to fill, but it fills quite quickly actually! Enjoy the bubbles.

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No New Posts Muggle Studies Classroom

This spacious classroom is used for the Muggle Studies class. There is a room connected to it, where the professor's desk is. Oh, and another thing. Seemingly there is yellow rubber ducks in there that attack you when you get close. My advice? Stay clear of them.

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No New Posts Muggle Studies Showroom

The showroom is a square room filled with muggle artefacts and commonly used muggle utensils. On on wall of the room is a blackboard, surrounded by diagrams of various things like how to use a recliner and how to use a muggle radio. Hanging from the arched ceiling hang magic powered lightbulbs.

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Fifth Floor

Status    Subject Created By Replies Views Last Post
newBookmarkLockedFalling AboveAndBeyond-GlobalGatheringRussia2008(CanusRG)
markakalv 0 214 by markakalv
Feb 23, 2014 13:07:41 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Journey 1978 - Infinity (Remastered) 010 Opened The Door
markakalv 0 516 by markakalv
Feb 22, 2014 5:41:43 GMT -5


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Fifth Floor
The fifth floor is home to various restrooms and classrooms. The fifth floor is also the location of the muggle's class, Art. In fact, the floor has a few rooms associated with muggles.
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